The show, named FTL Moda Loving You, was held in collaboration with Fondazione Vertical- an Italian research foundation that supports to find a cure for spinal chord injuries.
FTL Moda also worked with London's Models of Diversity, an agency that was formed to provide opportunities for disabled models all across Europe.
The show featured designers from around the world, despite being committed to a 'Made In Italy' theme. Rozalia Bot featured draped silks and gorgeous floral embellishments, whereas the model's for Landi Accessories were dramatically painted white, apart from the luxury leather bags.
British personal trainer, Jack Eyers became the first male amputee to walk down the runway. He was hand-picked by celebrity fashion designer: Antonio Urzi- best known for creating Lady Gaga's quirky 28th birthday ensemble last year. In addition to this, the designer has also had his creation worn by Rihanna and Britney Spears.
Jack said: "It's amazing to think I'll be wearing clothes designed by such a prestigious man - I'm in good company.I always said if I was going to do something like this, I want to do it big.I want people to see me, and to realize that there needs to be more disabled models walking the runway."
Antonio Urzi's collection entailed futuristic designs featuring metallic tones and statement headpieces.
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